If you have the incorporated or unincorporated business, you can claim truck related and other expenses such as:
- Advertising
- Meals and Entertainment (50% vs. 80% vs. 100% amounts)
- Travel (Hotel/motel, parking, showers)
- Business Tax (Municipal licence, Chamber of Commerce)
- Office Expenses
- Supplies
- Professional Fees- legal and accounting
- Automobile Expenses
- Yard Rent
- Salary, wages, vacation pay
- Employee benefits (CPP, EI, Medical and extended benefits (optional))
- WCB (for owner/operators, the lease company is required to remit WCB on behalf of the lease operator and cannot back charge the owner/operator. Amounts are based on gross truck earnings.
- Payments to Sub-contractors
- Telephone
- Fuel, oil and other fluids
- Maintenance & Repairs (Tractor, trailers)
- Insurance
- Truck lease
- Business Use of Personal Residence (mortgage interest, utilities, property tax, etc.)
- Interest (truck loans, bank account)
- Bridge and Highway tolls, municipal ant state access licenses
- Capital Cost Allowance for purchased vehicles and other eligible Capital Property
- Other typical expenses